Get Free Medical Care

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Let us find the resources that provide you free medical care so you can focus on your health and worry less about paying for it.

By submitting, you agree to our privacy policy and disclaimer. Our Patient Advocates may contact you via phone, email and/or text.
Doctor speaking to a patient
  • medical stethoscope icon
    Clinical Trials
    We can find you free access to the latest mesothelioma treatments available exclusively to patients in clinical trials.
  • army badge icon
    VA Treatment Centers
    Let us set up your appointment at a VA hospital close to you where you can receive the free health care you deserve for bravely serving our nation.
  • black and blue dollar bill icon
    Health Care Grants
    We can help you access grants that may completely pay for entire medical treatments or cover a portion to lessen your financial burden.

Free Medical Care Is Possible for You

Our Patient Advocates have built strong and extensive relationships with mesothelioma cancer centers, health care foundations and VA treatment centers across the U.S. Their experience and dedication has helped thousands of patients like you find free or reduced costs for medical treatment so you can:
  1. Focus on your recovery.
  2. Spend less time worrying about finances.
  3. Get the medical care you need now.