Read Our 5-Star Google Reviews

Our free guides and books are written by experts and those who have firsthand experience fighting mesothelioma. Access these free informational materials to learn more about this rare disease.
Danielle at The Mesothelioma Center has been a tremendous help to our family since my Dad’s diagnosis. She is very knowledgeable and responsive and is always ready to talk to me. She has helped with legal, medical, nutritional, patient care, and othe.... Read More
Google Rating
The Mesothelioma Center was extremely helpful to my family, as our dad was recently diagnosed with this disease. I was most impressed with their promptness in returning phone calls and emails, providing their expert advice with this matter. It was ex.... Read More
Google Rating
My thanks to Dr. Smart and the team at the Mesothelioma Center. They have been phenomenal in providing resources and support to help our family understand the challenges we will be facing as my dad battles with this disease. Dr. Smart has been unders.... Read More
Google Rating
I had a Veteran come in with a positive diagnosis of mesothelioma. This was confirmed through pathology. This may appear as a slam dunk with the VA, but nothing with the VA ever is. I made a call to The Mesothelioma Center and they walked me through .... Read More
Google Rating
I have found Karen Selby at mesothelioma organization to be extremely helpful and supportive in helping me navigate treatment for my husband who has mesothelioma. She is a wealth of information and confirmed we were on the path to getting the right d.... Read More
Google Rating
Amy Pelegrin and Karen Selby responded immediately, sent information that I received the next day and helped me navigate the healthcare system to find the best available care in my city. They facilitated making appointments and followed up with all t.... Read More
Google Rating

People We Helped Find Treatment

The stories from survivors and their families exemplify the power of solidarity, knowledge and compassion in navigating the mesothelioma journey. We are humbled and honored to share these mesothelioma patient testimonials about us with you. They embody the resilience and determination of those facing the challenges of mesothelioma head-on.

Testimonials About Treatment Assistance

My family has only the highest compliment for the assistance and support that we received from The Mesothelioma Center.

This is a staff of compassionate and knowledgeable individuals who respects what your family is experiencing and who goes the extra mile to make an unfortunate diagnosis less stressful. Information and assistance was provided by The Mesothelioma Center at no cost to our family.


Daughter of a mesothelioma patient

Because of their guidance, I was able to navigate getting my mother into MD Anderson when her case got put aside by mistake in all the COVID- 19 craziness.

Vanessa was amazing and I can’t recommend enough reaching out to them. I thought it was a gimmick to get you to hire a lawyer, but I was so wrong. They truly seemed to want to help meso patients and KNOW what you need to ask and do in order to get help.”

Deanna B.

Daughter of a mesothelioma patient

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Danielle DiPietro was an invaluable resource for me.

Her suggestions and recommendations guided us towards stellar practitioners in our area. Without her advocacy, I feel we would have been receiving less than optimal medical and legal care for mesothelioma. Receiving the diagnosis was a shock and I felt lost initially. I wish everyone could take advantage of this FREE assistance.

Deborah C.

Spouse of a mesothelioma patient

  • plus sign in a orange circle
    17 Years
    serving victims of asbestos exposure
  • plus sign in a orange circle
    50% of Patients
    diagnosed in the U.S. each year turn to us for help
  • plus sign in a orange circle
    30+ Contributors
    including doctors, dietitians, survivors and other experts
  • plus sign in a orange circle
    400 Relationships
    with the nation’s best mesothelioma specialists

What Veterans with Mesothelioma Say About Us

Testimonials from veterans hold a special place in our hearts. We recognize their unique challenges with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure during their military service. At the Mesothelioma Center, we are dedicated to providing unwavering support, resources and advocacy tailored to the needs of veterans.

Testimonials About Veteran Assistance

We’re very fortunate to know the Veterans Department and the whole team at We were in dire straits, and they gave us hope.

John Conway


Thank you for all that you have done to make filing my brother’s VA Mesothelioma claim as easy as possible.

It is hard enough to deal with the heartache of learning that our beloved brother and son was diagnosed with Stage IV Peritoneal Mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure and then to wonder what could we do to help make him as comfortable as possible. Your friendly voice and desire to help prompted me to call you back.

Margaret S.

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If you are a vet with suspected asbestos exposure, this site is one you should bookmark.

Britt W.


Testimonials About Legal & Financial Assistance

Many testimonials highlight the crucial role that legal and financial assistance plays in securing justice and support for mesothelioma patients and their families. These personal stories shed light on the tremendous impact of skilled attorneys and financial resources.

Endorsements for Legal & Financial Aid

After being diagnosed with mesothelioma, my husband was at a loss. We knew nothing of this disease. I searched online and found The Mesothelioma Center. After a quick look around their site I searched no longer.

I felt comfortable asking for information and within the hour Dr. Smart, a patient advocate, had called me. She was exactly who we needed! She answered many of my questions, guided me with phone numbers and put us in touch with an attorney (the same company recommended by our doctor). The attorneys from Weitz & Luxenberg are helpful beyond measure. They are advocating for us and we will get help with medical bills and financial support as we travel this road. Their response was rapid and continuous, as we needed. This is a team effort with regular phone calls from Dr. Smart to check on Richard, questions answered and Richard’s case being filed by knowledgeable attorneys. We are elderly and we feel protected and safe with this great team who reaches out to those with mesothelioma. We are truly grateful.

Margaret S.

Wife of a mesothelioma patient

Mr. Lahav exhibited kindness to myself and my family regarding my mother’s recent mesothelioma diagnosis. I could never have expected such a selfless act carried through by any organization, non-profit or otherwise.

Amanda M.

Daughter of a mesothelioma patient

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Because of you, my mother is going to be financially set once the settlements come in. Without your guidance, my father would probably have not gotten as far as he did and would have passed not knowing how my mother would be taken care of.

Starr G.

Daughter of a mesothelioma patient

Testimonials About Our Other Services

At the Mesothelioma Center, we believe that knowledge is power. We commit to providing comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date informational resources. These resources, from in-depth articles and guides to videos and webinars, empower individuals facing a mesothelioma diagnosis.

Finding Power in Knowledge

The patient advocates are absolutely amazing and helpful! I am so very pleased with the information and the emotional support that I have received from everyone!

When I felt all hope was lost, Amy gave me great information and was so compassionate. I do not feel alone and I know there is strong support for anyone dealing with this tragic disease. I received a free information package, including a recipe book, information on the disease, a toll-free number to contact for assistance and a book with the answers to 100 questions that are commonly asked. This information alone was worth my time! I read for hours and hours and just that alone, knowledge, can be a great comfort. To fully understand this disease, to just have the knowledge! Thank you all! Thank you so, so much.

Pamela K.

Loved one of a mesothelioma patient

Contacting The Mesothelioma Center was a game changer. The immediate assistance my parents received through speaking with a patient navigator and triage to a specialist for optimal care allowed them to regain control of their future.

Stephanie C.

Daughter of a Mesothelioma Patient

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I can’t thank The Mesothelioma Center enough for their quick response to sending me information or for their willingness to have someone available to me or my family to answer questions.

Gailynne F.

Sister of a mesothelioma patient

Meet Our Team

Mesothelioma patients and their loved ones turn to our team of Patient Advocates for answers to their medical, health and financial questions. They also provide guidance, support and compassion. Let our team help you on your cancer journey.

Patient Advocates

Karen Selby, RN
Registered Nurse and Patient Advocate
Amy Pelegrin
Hospice Care Director
Vanessa Blanco
Patient Advocate and Oncology Patient Navigator
Joe Lahav, Esquire
Lawyer and On-Site Legal Advisor
Snehal Smart, M.D.
Medical Doctor and Patient Advocate

Veterans Department

Aaron Munz
Director of Veterans Department
Danielle DiPietro
Financial Advocate, Board Certified Patient Advocate, and VA-Accredited Claims Agent

Medical Outreach

Missy Miller
Medical Outreach Director
Jose Ortiz
Medical Outreach Liaison