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Stage 3 mesothelioma is an advanced stage. During this stage, tumors have spread to nearby lymph nodes, organs and tissues. The median life expectancy for stage 3 mesothelioma patients ranges from 16 to 26 months. Treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation can improve survival rates.
Written by Dr. Daniel Landau | Medically Reviewed By Dr. Jacques Fontaine | Edited By Walter Pacheco | Last Update: August 16, 2024
Stage 3 mesothelioma is the second to last stage of mesothelioma cancer. Tumors have spread beyond their point of origin to other distant organs. In stage 3 pleural mesothelioma, tumors have spread throughout the lining of the lungs on one side of the chest. They have also spread to the centralized glands, known as the mediastinal lymph nodes.
Pleural stage 3 tumors can affect nearby structures such as the diaphragm and heart sac. They can also grow on the chest wall and central chest region between the lungs, known as the mediastinum.
About 25%
Percentage of pleural mesothelioma patients diagnosed with stage 3 mesothelioma.
Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group, 2023
Other forms of mesothelioma cancer occur in different areas. Peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects the abdomen, doesn’t have an official staging system. Doctors use an existing indexing tool to help stage peritoneal mesothelioma. Using that system, stage 3 peritoneal tumors are in the peritoneal lining and nearby lymph nodes.
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Stage 3 mesothelioma symptoms may include shortness of breath, fever or fatigue. In stage 3, symptoms may become more noticeable than in stage 2 mesothelioma, but any symptoms before stage 3 are generally rare.
Symptoms and characteristics in stage 3 can vary between patients depending on where the cancer spreads and if it damages vital organs. As tumors grow and spread throughout the chest or abdomen, symptoms worsen.
Pleural mesothelioma tumors cause increased pleural fluid, which puts pressure on the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma tumors cause peritoneal fluid buildup that places stress on the abdomen.
Some patients may experience referred pain in the neck, back or shoulders. Pleural tumors may cause chest pain and breathing difficulties. Peritoneal tumors may cause bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
Stage 3 mesothelioma life expectancy ranges from 16 to 26 months. A patient’s medical history, health and treatment all impact life expectancy.
The prognosis is your doctor’s estimate of how mesothelioma will affect you and how it will respond to treatment. Mesothelioma life expectancy and prognosis can improve after trying a new therapy.
When I was first diagnosed with stage 3 inoperable mesothelioma and told I had a year to live, I figured I’d better hurry up and finish projects I was working on. But now my goal is to make it to the 10-year mark.
Some patients live for many years with successful treatment. Survival rates are not the only indicators of a mesothelioma patient’s prognosis.
Survival statistics don’t apply to everyone and can’t predict an individual’s prognosis. Age, gender, cancer cell type, response to treatment and general health affect survival. Surgery and other therapies may help patients live past the typical prognosis.
When Russell Lamkin was first diagnosed with stage 3 mesothelioma, he was told it was inoperable and his life expectancy was about a year. He was then able to find success participating in a transarterial chemoperfusion study at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. Russell says, “My neighbors don’t even know I’m sick. I still look and feel pretty good.”
About 16% of stage 3 pleural mesothelioma patients live 5 years after diagnosis. Roughly 29% of stage 3 peritoneal mesothelioma patients live at least 5 years.
Median survival refers to the length of time that half of patients are expected to live after diagnosis. It represents the midpoint, where half of the patients live longer than the median, and the other half live for a shorter duration.
2-Year Survival Rate of All Stages | 5-Year Survival Rate at Stage 3 | Median Survival | |
Pleural Mesothelioma | 22% | 16% | 16 months |
Peritoneal Mesothelioma | 35% | 29% | 26 months |
Patients with late-stage testicular mesothelioma have a median survival of about 2 years. Late-stage pericardial mesothelioma patients live around 10 months. Some live longer after surgery or chemotherapy.
The body’s lymph nodes play a role in the spread of cancer. Cancer cells in lymph nodes can condition immune cells to protect cancer rather than attack it. This factor contributes to metastasis, or the spread of cancer throughout the body, after which surgery is no longer helpful. Early treatment can limit metastasis and extend life expectancy.
Patients with stage 3 mesothelioma can have varying degrees of lymph node involvement. Patients with more cancerous lymph nodes have a life expectancy of about 13 months.
Surgery may not be an option for all stage 3 patients. Patients with more progressed stage 3, sometimes referred to as stage 3B, may have tumors in the diaphragm or heart sac. In this case, surgery is not a viable option.
A multimodal treatment plan uses surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. It has produced the best survival rates for people with stage 3 pleural mesothelioma. Stage 3 tumors grow and spread quickly, but removal may be possible. Extensive surgery and aggressive cancer treatment provide benefits in specific circumstances.
Some stage 3 mesothelioma patients may not qualify for aggressive surgery, but they may be eligible for immunotherapy, chemotherapy and palliative therapies that control symptoms. These patients may also qualify for emerging treatments available through experimental clinical trials.
Treatment for stage 3 varies depending upon cancer growth and personal factors like age and overall health. Patients diagnosed with stage 3A may qualify for more aggressive treatments than those diagnosed with stage 3B because their cancer is less advanced.
Treatment options are more limited than in earlier mesothelioma stages. Surgery is possible but less likely to be successful for advanced cases.
Mesothelioma clinical trials provide hope for stage 3 patients who don’t qualify for aggressive surgery. These trials provide experimental treatments that may improve prognosis and extend stage 3 mesothelioma life expectancy. Patients should ask their mesothelioma specialists about appropriate clinical trials in their area.
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Connect NowCharacteristics of stage 3 mesothelioma include localized tumors and tumor spread to distant lymph nodes. Different staging systems use additional features to define the respective stages.
Only pleural mesothelioma has an official staging system. In 2011, researchers suggested a staging system for peritoneal mesothelioma using lymph nodes, metastasis and the existing Peritoneal Cancer Index. This index measures cancer on the peritoneal lining of the abdomen. The system hasn’t been officially adopted for peritoneal mesothelioma because doctors need data from more patients to confirm its accuracy.
Stage 3 symptoms are more severe than stage 2. Patients have fewer treatment options and cancer has invaded nearby tissues and organs. Compared to stage 4, tumors haven’t yet metastasized to distant areas of the body. Many therapies, such as immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiation, can limit metastasis, extend survival and control pain.
If a doctor refers to peritoneal mesothelioma as stage 3, it usually means tumors have spread throughout the abdominal lining and to nearby lymph nodes.
After receiving a stage 3 mesothelioma diagnosis, you should find a mesothelioma specialist. Seek treatment as soon as possible following a stage 3 mesothelioma diagnosis.
Working with experienced mesothelioma doctors gives you the best chance of improving your prognosis. Improving health through nutrition and exercise may help extend your life expectancy.
Not all hospitals or major metropolitan cancer centers have doctors focusing on mesothelioma. Joining a mesothelioma support group is a great way to build a network of information. You can learn about clinical trials and physicians specializing in this rare cancer.
Mesothelioma support groups help patients come to terms with their diagnosis. They often provide resources for improving quality of life and mental health.
There is no mesothelioma cure for any stage of the disease. A small number of stage 3 patients are eligible for surgery, which may significantly extend survival.
Symptoms of stage 3 mesothelioma may include shortness of breath, pain in the chest or abdomen, dry cough and fatigue.
There are a number of factors affecting mesothelioma life expectancy in stage 3.
Lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, can improve overall health and may extend survival for patients undergoing chemotherapy, immunotherapy or other treatment in stage 3 mesothelioma.
Clinical trials for stage 3 mesothelioma patients are available in many cancer centers across the United States. They test new cancer drugs and different combinations of innovative therapies.
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Landau, D. A. (2024, August 16). Stage 3 Mesothelioma. Retrieved September 6, 2024, from
Landau, Daniel A. "Stage 3 Mesothelioma.", 16 Aug 2024,
Landau, Daniel A. "Stage 3 Mesothelioma." Last modified August 16, 2024.
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Dr. Jacques Fontaine is a thoracic surgeon at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, where he heads up the Mesothelioma Research and Treatment Center. He specializes in minimally invasive robotic surgery and aggressive surgeries for mesothelioma.
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