Editorial Guidelines
The editorial mission of Asbestos.com is to bring you the most reliable, trustworthy and accurate information about mesothelioma, asbestos and asbestos-related illnesses. Our goal is to ensure that Asbestos.com is your go-to resource for relevant, high-quality and authoritative information about mesothelioma.

The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com is the nation’s most trusted mesothelioma resource. While the information Asbestos.com provides you is well researched, truthful and sourced from mesothelioma specialists, oncologists and reputable medical journals, the information on Asbestos.com is not intended as a substitute for professional health care. You should always consult a doctor or another qualified health provider with your questions about your health and well-being.
Do not delay seeking medical advice because of something you have read on Asbestos.com.
Asbestos.com creates original content based on the following criteria:
Asbestos.com publishes information about issues that may impact your and your family’s health. Topics covered include the latest mesothelioma treatment news, interviews with mesothelioma experts, news about asbestos exposure, information about managing the disease, personal stories and other content relevant to people coping with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases.
Clinical Sources
Asbestos.com relies on the latest findings published in peer-reviewed medical journals such as the Annals of Translational Medicine, PLOS ONE, The Lancet, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy, The Oncotarget, Clinical Cancer Research, Nature and other notable medical publications.
Asbestos.com interviews well-known mesothelioma specialists and researchers who have published their research in many of the previously mentioned medical journals. Asbestos.com identifies these medical experts by name, medical degree, area of medical specialty, and center and location of medical practice. Our team of writers, who are constantly involved in continuing education programs to fine-tune their medical and scientific writing, have spent years reviewing and reading the results of many clinical trials involving new drugs and treatments, speaking with caregivers and survivors, and sharing their personal stories of cancer and mesothelioma.
Best Practices at Asbestos.com
Building trust with our users is paramount to Asbestos.com, and the following guidelines help us maintain that trust.
These are recommended practices and do not establish standards of conduct for every situation. Asbestos.com does not use the words, photos or illustrations of others without permission or attribution. Asbestos.com does not fabricate quotes, sources or information and then represent it as fact. Asbestos.com does not alter photographs beyond minimal adjustments of color and tone.
Editorial Integrity
All content on Asbestos.com is clearly marked as a news story, blog post, feature story or a reference webpage. Asbestos.com labels its content as such so users can readily distinguish the difference between news, reference and personal stories. The author and editor of each website page are identified at the bottom of the page.
Journalistic Excellence
When reporting original news, Asbestos.com maintains traditional journalistic principles: Direct quotes are not altered except to correct grammar, dialect or slang; all direct quotes and information gathered from another organization are attributed to the original source; the author is clearly identified on the page; sources are listed in pages where they are required; and photographs are not altered except for minimal adjustments to color and tone.
Fact-Checking Process
Our fact-checking process begins with a thorough review of all sources to ensure they are high quality. Then we cross-check the facts with original medical or scientific reports published by those sources, or we validate the facts with reputable news organizations, medical and scientific experts and other health experts. Each page includes all sources for full transparency.
Process for Gathering, Writing and Editing Content
Ideas for original news, blogs, feature stories and reference pages are generated by a writer, the entire writing team, the editor or a marketer. These ideas are discussed and further developed to ensure they are relevant, contain clinical sources if needed and demonstrate authority by including perspectives from medical professionals or findings published in reputable medical journals.
The Asbestos.com writer then researches the topic in peer-reviewed medical journals, news stories from reputable mainstream media sources and health-related government databases; interviews researchers, patients, doctors or other health providers; writes the story and submits it to the Asbestos.com editor.
The editor, medical editor or both then review the story for accuracy (fact-checking), correct medical language, grammar, AP Style, flow, clarity, relevance and readability.
Medically Reviewed Content on Asbestos.com
Asbestos.com partners with oncologists, licensed mental health counselors, licensed dietitians and other medical health professionals who specialize in the topics we cover and review our content for medical accuracy. We also partner with Physicians’ Review Network Inc., which is a nationally recognized leader in providing independent medical reviews through its network of specialists.
We ask our medical reviewers to consider these guidelines when evaluating the information we provide to the public:
- Do references to treatment reflect the current standard of care?
- Is the medical information accurate?
- Does the material presented need a major rewrite or is it so out of date or inaccurate that it requires replacement?
- Is the information presented in such a way that a layperson will understand it (not overly complicated or irrelevant for a consumer)?
- Are the statistics, if any, current?
- Are the references to resources (other websites) appropriate?
- Is the grammar correct?
- Identify typos.
A page reviewed by a medical professional will identify the medical reviewer by name, photo or both at the bottom of the page.
Accountability & Corrections
Asbestos.com recognizes an ethical responsibility to correct all factual errors, mischaracterizations and ambiguities. If Asbestos.com identifies factual errors, it will correct the error. If you find a possible inaccuracy on any page on Asbestos.com, let us know by sending an email to Managing Editor Walter Pacheco.