Mesothelioma & Exercise: What Patients Need to Know

Exercise plays a vital role throughout a patient's mesothelioma journey. Discover how you can utilize exercise to feel better and recover faster during and after mesothelioma treatment.

Exercise plays a vital role throughout a patient's mesothelioma journey. Discover how you can utilize exercise to feel better and recover faster during and after mesothelioma treatment.

  • Diana Molinares, MD
    Director of Oncology Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Sean Marchese, MS, RN
    Oncology Medical Writer and Registered Nurse

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What You’ll Learn During the Webinar

Physical medicine and rehabilitation expert Dr. Diana Molinares discusses how mesothelioma patients can safely incorporate exercise to alleviate symptoms and manage treatment side effects. Topics include:
  • Benefits of exercise before, during and after cancer treatment.
  • Recommended exercises for mesothelioma patients.
  • Tips for modifying exercises based on cancer type, stage, treatment and side effects.
  • Factors to consider when building an exercise plan and questions to ask your doctor.
  • Examples of healthy exercise regimens after a mesothelioma diagnosis.

You’ll also receive access to the free Q&A session our experts hosted after the presentation.

Mesothelioma Experts You Can Trust

Dr. Diana Molinares and registered nurse Sean Marchese have spent years helping mesothelioma patients and their families. They know the ins and outs of mesothelioma treatment, and they’ve stayed up to date with the latest research on oncology rehabilitation.
  • Headshot of Dr. Diana Molinares
    Diana Molinares, MD
    Dr. Diana Molinares is the Director of Oncology Rehabilitation Medicine at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami and an expert in prehabilitation and rehabilitation for mesothelioma patients. She is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Molinares is focused on improving the function, impairments and quality of life of cancer patients and survivors.
  • Sean Marchese, MS, RN, author for The Mesothelioma Center
    Sean Marchese, MS, RN
    Sean Marchese has planned and led experimental clinical trials in oncology involving immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and tumor treating fields. He is a registered nurse with more than 10 years of clinical experience and more than six years in clinical research. Sean has been a member of the American Nurses Association since 2017.
Disclaimer: The content of this website is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician about questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

Discover How Exercise Can Stimulate Mesothelioma Recovery