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Railroad workers suffer higher rates of mesothelioma because they were exposed to asbestos products used throughout locomotives. Exposure to asbestos in insulation, brakes, cement and gaskets caused asbestos-related illnesses in railroad workers.
Written by Michelle Whitmer | Legally Reviewed By Yvonne Waterman | Edited By Walter Pacheco | Last Update: August 27, 2024
Asbestos was used in the manufacturing of train and locomotive components from the 1930s through the 1970s. Because asbestos was so widely used on trains, even railroad workers who did not handle the repairs of parts were likely to have been exposed to asbestos.
Any employee in or around roadhouses, railroad shops or repair shops were at risk of inhaling asbestos dust because it was routine for workers in these areas to cut, sand or smooth asbestos-containing materials, releasing the airborne asbestos fibers onto their clothes and into the air where they could be inhaled.
An abundance of asbestos was used in public driving cabins and carriages, including in floor tiles and wallboards, making conductors and yardmasters susceptible to asbestos exposure if the wallboards or floor tiles became torn through constant daily public use.
Asbestos was also used in brake pads, brake linings and clutches because of its strength and resistance to heat and friction. These parts eventually wear down and sometimes rip, exposing workers to asbestos fibers. Brake pads and linings were frequently removed and replaced, which required a lot of manipulating. This released a significant amount of asbestos dust into the air that was easily inhaled.
Railroad workers were exposed to asbestos when using sealing cement and gaskets, which were used to seal pipe joints and valves. Maintenance workers faced the highest risk of exposure maintaining and repairing the railroad tracks and locomotives, including plumbing, electrical and air-conditioning and heating systems that contained asbestos materials for their heat resistance.
Railroad workers were exposed to many asbestos-containing products, including:
The boilers and fireboxes in steam locomotives contained asbestos parts and insulation, including asbestos lagging insulation and asbestos refractory cement, also known as furnace cement. Some fireboxes were made from asbestos-containing firebrick.
Asbestos was used in locomotive brake pads, brake linings and clutches for its strength and resistance to heat.
The ceiling and flooring tiles in train passenger cars commonly contained asbestos to provide a visually appealing form of fireproofing.
Asbestos was used in cement ties that secure rail lines.
The Green Bay and Western Railroad gave train passengers asbestos-containing disposable ash trays that doubled as beverage coasters.
Asbestos gaskets, including sheet and rope gaskets, were used throughout locomotives.
Asbestos was used to insulate materials on steam locomotives and diesel locomotives, such as boilers, the outside of the engine, under the metal body of the train, in boxcars, ceilings of cabooses, pipe coverings, electrical panels and the driving cabins and carriages. It was also used in insulation in roadhouses and railroad shops. Asbestos block insulation or asbestos panels were often used as insulation on steam locomotives. Asbestos packing material was utilized as a form of insulation throughout locomotive equipment.
Asbestos in plaster served as a fireproofing sealing material on trains.
Paint that contained asbestos was used throughout trains because of its resistance to fire.
Asbestos rope was commonly wrapped around pipes as a form of insulation.
Asbestos cement was also used as a sealant and adhesive when making repairs to locomotives.
Asbestos wallboards were used in train cars as a method of fireproofing.
The following manufacturers using asbestos in products have been held liable for asbestos-related diseases that developed in railroad workers.
In addition to these asbestos product manufacturers, the following railroad companies have been involved in asbestos litigation:
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Get Your Free GuideSeveral studies have documented a connection between asbestos exposure among railroad workers and increased rates of asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma. According to a 2022 report by the European Commission, over 70,000 workers died in 2019 from past exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, many are expelled, but some become lodged in organ tissues and remain there for a lifetime. The accumulation of fibers causes inflammation and scarring that may lead to the development of mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos-related illnesses.
There is no cure for mesothelioma, but doctors are working toward a cure through clinical trial research. If you’ve been diagnosed with this type of asbestos cancer, it is important to find a mesothelioma specialist to handle your treatment.
Asbestos exposure is also known to cause lung cancer, ovarian cancer, laryngeal cancer and asbestosis. The latter is a pulmonary disease marked by progressive scarring of the lungs.
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Get Help NowRailroad workers diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases may be eligible to file a personal injury claim or asbestos trust fund claim. Those who lost a loved one to mesothelioma may qualify to file a wrongful death claim. Claimants may qualify to file lawsuits against railroad companies or manufacturers of asbestos products that caused their illness.
Injured railway workers may sue their employers for injuries under the Federal Employers Liability Act. A FELA lawsuit is a civil action lawsuit. The injured railroad worker must show that the employer’s negligence contributed to the injury, and the case may be brought in federal or state court. To be covered under FELA, the railroad company and specific railroad in question must operate in multiple states. If the railroad only operates in one state, the plaintiff may sue individual manufacturers of asbestos-containing products, but not their employer.
It’s important for railroad workers diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases to find an experienced mesothelioma attorney to handle their claim. FELA lawsuits should be handled by a mesothelioma firm with prior experience handling these types of claims.
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Whitmer, M. (2024, August 27). Railroad Workers and Asbestos Exposure. Retrieved September 6, 2024, from
Whitmer, Michelle. "Railroad Workers and Asbestos Exposure.", 27 Aug 2024,
Whitmer, Michelle. "Railroad Workers and Asbestos Exposure." Last modified August 27, 2024.
A mesothelioma lawyer who specializes in asbestos litigation reviewed the content on this page to ensure it is legally accurate.
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Yvonne Waterman, Ph.D., is the founder of the European Asbestos Forum and a specialist in asbestos litigation. Waterman has worked to build a global network of professionals fighting for a future without asbestos exposure and disease.
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