Benefits of Joining a Facebook Support Group

Support groups offer empathy, emotional nurturing, knowledge from experience and resources. They also help people gain a sense of agency in how they respond to things they cannot control.

Within the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support Facebook group, participants can freely share their stories and ask for advice from those who have been there.

Members of the Facebook group can exchange skills and coping methods and encourage each other to keep going when the going gets tough. Staying active in the Facebook group may help motivate participants to meet challenges with grace and strength.

Without a shadow of a doubt, The Mesothelioma Center Facebook group is one of the best groups I have joined…The support that the group provides is amazing; the information given is extremely scientific and objective, and all the updates from the group regarding the latest global news on mesothelioma research is very informative and uplifting! Thanks again!
Nicholas B.
Mesothelioma Caregiver

Benefits of joining the online support group include:

  • Privacy: Some people may feel too shy or nervous to join an in-person support group. The Facebook group offers a sense of privacy because it is closed to the general public.4
  • Supports Counseling: The Mesothelioma Center’s Facebook group is available 24 hours a day to support people outside of any individual counseling sessions.
  • Social Support: Receiving social support from others who understand the situation may help people feel less alone and isolated. It normalizes the struggle and shows participants they are not the only ones coping with this disease.
  • A Place to Process Feelings: Talking about your feelings helps you process and manage them. This reduces stress and anxiety and improves symptoms associated with depression.
  • Skill Sharing: Support group members can share learned skills and coping methods with the group.

How the Facebook Group Differs from Other Online Support Groups

Because it uses the Facebook platform, the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support group is accessible to members 24/7 from the comfort of their own homes.

Unlike some online support groups with more formal monthly meetings, participants can post messages to the Facebook page at any time of the day or night. This real-time communication fosters a sense of community within the group and allows for supportive contact when it is most needed.

The informality of the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support Facebook group makes it easy to interact with others dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis.

While other online support groups might have a narrower focus, this Facebook group is inclusive of all those affected by mesothelioma, from patients and caregivers to extended family.

For mesothelioma caregivers looking to discuss support, resources and stories with other caregivers, we also host a private and exclusive group for this purpose. The Mesothelioma Caregivers Support Community is a safe space where only caregivers can share their insights and experiences with other caregivers.

Because of its interactive nature, members can join conversations already in progress or search the page for topics of interest. They can also post new questions, share photos and receive timely responses to their queries from patient advocates and other participants.

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For Survivors & Caregivers

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What Can You Expect from the Mesothelioma Facebook Support Group?

Whether you are personally battling mesothelioma, caring for a loved one with a mesothelioma diagnosis or have lost someone to this rare cancer, you are welcome in the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support group on Facebook.

Members share stories of loved ones and their struggles with mesothelioma. They also seek out similar experiences from those who are dealing with treatment and caregiving issues.

The group is a safe space where people often post personal stories of day-to-day struggles and milestones. Within the group is a supportive community of Patient Advocates and caregivers who are there to answer questions and provide support for members.

Support Group Rules

Several rules guide the support group. Moderators oversee the rules, so all members feel safe interacting with one another.

The rules are as follows:

  • Talk to the Patient’s Doctor First: Everyone is welcome to share their experiences with treatments and alternative therapies, but before adding anything to a care plan, speak with the patient’s doctor first.
  • No Unsolicited Advice: When it comes to providing advice to others in the group, wait for them to ask for advice or input. If they haven’t asked for advice, offer support rather than insight.
  • No Hate Speech or Bullying: Bullying of any kind is not allowed. Degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity are not tolerated.

What Makes Our Facebook Group Unique?

Launched in 2019, the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support Facebook group helps patients and caregivers of a loved one diagnosed with mesothelioma cope with the disease.

Because it is a private Facebook group, it is available only to people affected by mesothelioma. The general public does not have access to the group or any participant’s private information.

Patient Advocates from The Mesothelioma Center at will speak with each person requesting to join the group before they are accepted. This ensures the private Facebook group is a safe space for all.

Registered nurse Karen Selby is available within the Facebook group to answer medical questions and share information about clinical trials. She is also happy to connect with participants offline if requested.

Mesothelioma caregiver and author Lorraine Kember is an active member of the group. Both she and Selby have years of experience with mesothelioma and are uniquely qualified to address questions from group members.

Experts from The Mesothelioma Center at moderate The Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support group.

How to Join the Mesothelioma Facebook Group

Signing up for the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support group is not difficult, but help is provided if needed.

Steps to Join

  1. Participants must first have their own personal Facebook page.
  2. Log onto through your personal page.
  3. Type “Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support” in the upper left search bar.
  4. Hit the “enter” key to proceed with the search.
  5. Once you have located the page, click the “Join” button.
  6. You will see a few questions from the page administrators you must answer to join. Once they’re answered, hit “Submit” and wait for a response.

Facebook users can also access the page directly using this link: Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support.

Why Do We Ask Membership Questions?

When joining the Mesothelioma Survivor, Caregiver & Family Support group, prospective members will be asked three questions. The questions are meant to protect the privacy of members and ensure that only those impacted by mesothelioma are accepted into the group.

The three membership questions are:

  • How have you been impacted by mesothelioma?
  • What is your phone number? Given the sensitive nature of this group, all potential members must speak with a Patient Advocate before their request will be approved.
  • Are you OK with a Patient Advocate contacting you? Please answer “Yes” or “No.” An advocate will verify how you’ve been affected by mesothelioma and confirm your request to join.

If you are requesting to join and haven’t answered all of the questions, our communications manager will attempt to connect with you via a direct message on Facebook.

Anyone having trouble connecting to the group should email Communications Manager Cara Tompot at

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