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Technologically Advanced Care at Norris Cotton Cancer Center

The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center combines the resources of a world-class medical center with an integrated, personalized approach to treatment that attracts patients from across the country.

As the only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center in northern New England, it serves more than 32,000 patients annually for a wide variety cancers, both common and rare. An estimated 3,700 new cancers are diagnosed each year at one of the six regional facilities.

The staff includes more than 200 cancer specialists spanning surgery, radiology, hematology, pathology and medical oncology. In addition to these specialists, 90 oncology nurses and more than 160 researchers help bring the latest breakthroughs to the clinic. All bases are covered here.

At the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, patients receive multidisciplinary care with technologically advanced cancer treatment, all within a positive environment. The center takes great pride in improving comfort and quality of life for each patient served.

Norris Thoracic Oncology Program Treats Pleural Mesothelioma

Patients with pleural mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure, are treated within the heralded Comprehensive Thoracic Oncology Program, which is known for its team approach and personalized touch.

“I always say there is often the best treatment, and then there’s the best treatment for the individual patient,” said Dr. David Finley, program director. “Sometimes those are coinciding, and sometimes you have to change the treatment to best fit the patient. The whole idea of a comprehensive thoracic oncology program is to take every aspect of what is happening in our population and try to better it, as we go forward. So we have to think, how can we serve each individual?”

Thoracic medical oncologists Dr. Konstantin Dragnev and Dr. Keisuke Shirai specialize in mesothelioma as well as lung cancer, and help coordinate the collaborative care.

Patients often see surgeons, chest radiologists, pulmonologists, pathologists, oncologists and molecular biologists, all specialists working together to formulate the best possible treatment.

Systemic therapy could involve traditional chemotherapy, immunotherapy and the latest targeted therapy, drugs that affect specific molecules uncovered in the genomic analysis of each patient.

Byrne Research Institute Plays Major Role in Cancer Care

Future patients at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center will benefit greatly from its newly created Byrne Family Cancer Research Institute, expected to accelerate clinical access to the latest laboratory discoveries.

Although novel innovative treatments have long been a trademark of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, the research institute should make it even more effective in its quest to better prevent, treat and cure cancers everywhere.

It is expected to support the cancer center’s goal of expanding access to novel immunotherapies, along with pioneering precision medicine and advancing treatment.

“Our cancer center is poised to further cement its reputation as a major player in national cancer research and innovation, as well as one of the country’s foremost cancer treatment centers,” said Dr. Joanne Conroy, president and CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health.

The research institute also will help expand clinical trials, which often lead to new treatments.

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center

  • A phase II clinical trial studying the use of the immunotherapy combination nivolumab and ipilimumab for the treatment of rare cancers such as mesothelioma.