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Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cancer Institute

The Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cancer Institute (OHSU) is internationally renowned for its efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat a wide variety of cancers — including the rarest ones — with a multidisciplinary approach.

Its thoracic oncology department has expertise in lung cancer, mediastinal tumors, esophageal cancer, chest wall tumors and several pleural diseases, including malignant pleural mesothelioma.

The lung cancer clinic provides direct access to a well-coordinated team of experts, including oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, nurses, pulmonologists, physical therapists, nutritionists and social workers, all working together with a personalized approach.

The Knight Cancer Institute is consistently listed among the best cancer treatment facilities in U.S. News and World Report’s annual rankings. It also has earned the highest possible designation by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Caring for Mesothelioma Patients at OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

Surgical oncologist Dr. Erin W. Gilbert, an associate professor, is a specialist in the cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) combination, which has dramatically improved outcomes for abdominal cancers such as peritoneal mesothelioma.

She also has vast expertise in pancreatic cancer, appendiceal mucinous carcinoma and colorectal cancer.

Thoracic surgeon Dr. Paul Henry Schipper and medical oncologist Dr. John M. Holland are a major part of the treatment team handling pleural mesothelioma at the Knight Cancer Institute.

Schipper has expertise in minimally invasive surgery and also performs surgery for lung and esophageal cancers. Holland has a special focus on lung cancer, head and neck cancers, melanoma and thyroid cancer.

Institute researcher Dr. Alyson Haslam was the lead author in a recent study published by JAMA Network that detailed the benefits of immunotherapy drugs Keytruda and Opdivo for mesothelioma patients.

Knight Cancer Institute’s Impressive, Unrivaled Care

Dr. Alan Sandler is division chief of hematology/medical oncology at Knight Cancer Institute and a longtime leader in the field.

Sandler is an internationally known investigator in therapeutic clinical trials dedicated to lung cancer therapies. He served as lead investigator on clinical trials for two drugs — gemcitabine and bevacizumab — that became industry standards in cancer care.

Under his leadership, the lung cancer clinic provides a multitude of treatment options. The multidisciplinary team meets regularly to review each patient and develop a personalized treatment plan, which often includes the latest in immunotherapy.

There also is a strong focus on translational research, in which laboratory advancements are moved quickly into the clinic where patients can benefit the most.

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials at OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

  • A multi-institutional effort to compile detailed genetic and molecular data related to treatment and outcomes for advanced cancers such as malignant mesothelioma.