/ Blog / International Impact

6 Countries to Watch for Asbestos Use and Abuse

Even with all the scientific evidence linking asbestos to a variety of serious health risks, many countries are still in the asbestos business.

The cheapness of the material, its indestructibility, and the fact that it is fire-resistant, all play into why asbestos is so popular in developing countries. Its usefulness is understandable, but not at the risk of someone’s health, right?

Well, these countries don’t seem to mind.

Asbestos Use and Abuse by Country

These are just a few of the countries still utilizing asbestos materials to build and construct homes among other uses. With this many people being exposed to the fibers, an epidemic of asbestos sufferers is on the horizon.  What do you think should be done to stop it? Should worldwide bans be put in place? How do we stop this business of asbestos?