Multidisciplinary Treatment
Radiation Oncology

Get to Know Dr. Jennifer Bellon

Bellon works alongside thoracic surgeons, medical oncologists and pulmonologists in an innovative, multi-disciplinary approach to treatment for patients with mesothelioma, lung cancer and other organ cancers in the chest wall.

The goal is increasing survival and improving quality of life through personalized care. Through clinical trials and the laboratory for molecular medicine, the department has played a major role in a new era of lung cancer treatment.

In 2021, Bellon published her research on multidisciplinary care considerations for aging patients with breast cancer and considerations for treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bellon graduated from the Case Western Reserve University Medical School. She was board certified in radiation oncology in 2000, following internships at Mount Sinai Medical Center and Case Western Reserve, and a residency at the University of Washington School of Medicine.