Written by Michelle Whitmer | Scientifically Reviewed By Sean Fitzgerald, PG | Edited By Walter Pacheco | Last Update: June 19, 2024

Quick Facts About Adhesives
  • calendar icon
    Years Produced:
    1880s – 1990s
  • grey magnifying glass icon
    Places Used:
    Flooring, walls, ceilings, roofs, HVAC systems, plumbing, boilers, furnaces and machinery in houses, businesses, public buildings and ships
  • radiation hazard sign icon
  • skip icon
    Asbestos Use Banned:
  • outline of a gray lightning bolt

Asbestos Sealants, Adhesives, Mastics and Bondings

Mixing asbestos fibers into natural and synthetic glues results in durable, nearly fireproof adhesives, sealants, bonders and joint fillers. Builders use adhesives for all types of permanent installation work. Though people once saw asbestos products as safe and reliable construction materials, they are now a known health hazard.

Heavy-duty adhesives are often referred to as construction mastics. They may take the form of paste applied from a caulking gun or powder that is mixed and applied like cement. Asbestos was used in different types of mastics. These include liquid construction mastics, conventional lime-type cements and synthetic plastic cements. It was also a primary ingredient in gunning mixes, a type of spray-applied powdered adhesive that is mixed with water as it is applied.

Asbestos fibers are released if these materials are ground, drilled, cut or abraded. Renovation and demolition projects also damage these materials. These actions can lead to asbestos exposure.

Gunning mix was often made with vermiculite and aluminum. The vermiculite used in gunning mix may be contaminated with asbestos. Before the mix is made into a paste, it comes in powder form and is packaged in bags. Asbestos fibers in opened bags can easily become airborne when gunning mix is being measured and mixed.

While most companies now use alternatives to asbestos sealants and adhesives, their use is not fully banned. There are two types of asbestos adhesives banned in the United States. They include spray-on adhesives with more than 1% asbestos and asbestos flooring felt adhesive. Though asbestos adhesive manufacturing ended in the U.S. in the 1990s, the product remains in many parts of old buildings today.

Where Are Asbestos Adhesives Found?

Asbestos adhesives may still be found in old buildings and houses. Adhesives were used in many places. These include the floors, wall panels, interior fixtures, ceilings, roofs, air ducts, pipes and boilers and furnaces.

Asbestos Adhesive Floors
Asbestos felt was used along with adhesives in the floors of older homes.


Asbestos adhesives were used to install wood floors, vinyl tiles and other types of flooring. One of the most common flooring adhesives is called “black asbestos mastic.”

Wall Panels

Wallpaper and wall panels were commonly installed using asbestos adhesives. When wall panels are removed, the adhesive left behind is often visible as brittle old daubs.

Interior Fixtures

Asbestos adhesives were used in the finishes of countertops, cabinetry and other fixtures.


Ceiling tiles were once attached to the ceiling using glue pods that contained asbestos. As time passed, these glue pods became fragile and released dangerous asbestos fibers into the air when touched or disturbed.


Asbestos was a common ingredient in plastic cements and sealants for rooftops. Over time, weathering exposes the white asbestos fibers, causing it to turn from black to grey.

Air Ducts

Even duct tape commonly contained asbestos fibers before the mineral’s toxicity was widely known.


Lagging is a method of protecting pipes from damage that involves wrapping them in strips of cloth coated with glue. In the past, asbestos glue was used for this purpose.

Boilers and Furnaces

Special cement adhesives for high-temperature machinery contained asbestos. It was often called furnace cement. Fireproof cement and joint compounds were used in industrial facilities and ships.

Companies Associated with Asbestos Adhesives

Manufacturer Brand
A.P. Green Industries Steelplant Castable B, Castable Mix 204
Amchem Inc. (Benjamin Foster Company) Black Cat Roof Coating
Armstrong World Industries S-89 Adhesive, S-90 Adhesive
Celotex Corporation Carey Fibrous Adhesive, Careytemp Adhesive
Combustion Engineering Inc. Stick-Tite Insulating Cement, WeatherKote Protective Duriseal
Empire Ace Stic-On Cement
Fibreboard Corporation Hydroseal
Georgia-Pacific Corporation Triple Duty Joint Compound
Harbison-Walker Refractories Company H-W Lightweight Castable #10
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company 3M Adhesive, 3M Caulk, 3M Cement
Mobile Oil Corporation Armorcote Adhesive, Dum-Dum Adhesive
National Gypsum Company Gold Bond All-Purpose Joint Compound, Gold Bond Adhesive
North American Refractories Company Narcocast, Narcocrete, Narcolite
Johns Manville Asbestogard Adhesive, Duxseal

Other companies that manufactured asbestos adhesives include:

Diseases Asbestos Adhesives Can Cause

People exposed to asbestos adhesives may develop asbestos-related diseases. Examples include lung cancer, mesothelioma and other cancers. The risk of exposure is greater in people who worked with asbestos adhesives.

Exposure to asbestos-containing adhesives may cause the following diseases:

  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Asbestosis
  • Benign pleural abnormalities such as pleuritis and pleural plaques

Doctors treat the above cancers with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. They use medication and different types of therapy for benign conditions.

Existing Occupations at Risk

Compensation for Exposure to Asbestos in Adhesives

Thousands of workers have filed lawsuits against asbestos adhesive manufacturers. They seek compensation for medical costs and suffering related to asbestos diseases.

  • In the 1990s, two engineers filed lawsuits against North American Refractories Company. They claim they developed mesothelioma using the company’s gunning mix. Frederick Moss worked for Alabama Power Company and Martin Easter worked for U.S. Steel. Both were exposed to high levels of asbestos dust using NARCO gunning mix products, and they were never advised to wear protective gear. A jury found NARCO liable and awarded $7 million to Moss, Easter and a third plaintiff who suffered from asbestosis.
  • In 2006, U.S. Navy veteran Joseph Garza filed a lawsuit against Asbestos Corporation Ltd. after he developed asbestosis using the company’s asbestos adhesive cement to repair boilers on the USS Randall and the USS Agerholm for nearly 10 years. Because the company did not issue any warnings over the asbestos in its product, Garza did not take any precautions against breathing in the dust or getting it on his clothes and hair. A jury in San Francisco ultimately awarded him and his wife more than $11.5 million after finding the corporation acted with malice in not revealing the health risks associated with asbestos exposure.

Many companies in the asbestos industry have established trust funds as part of bankruptcy reorganization plans to make settlements with claimants. These trusts exist to settle personal injury and wrongful death claims resulting from asbestos exposure connected to bankrupt companies.

For instance, NARCO emerged from bankruptcy in 2008 by funding the North American Refractories Company Asbestos Personal Injury Settlement Trust with $6.32 billion. The National Gypsum Company Bodily Injury Trust has paid more than $429 million in claims since 2004, including to victims exposed through Gold Bond adhesive products.

Other forms of asbestos compensation for victims include VA claims, Social Security Disability and treatment and travel grants. You may speak with a qualified mesothelioma attorney to learn more about your legal options for mesothelioma compensation.

Abatement and History of Asbestos Adhesives

To prevent the spread of asbestos dust, the material should be wetted first and then scraped away using hand tools. Additionally, protective gear such as a high-efficiency particulate air mask must be worn to keep safe from exposure.

The adhesives often contain between 1% and 25% asbestos, depending on the purpose of the adhesive. As these products get older, they can become brittle and break down, releasing tiny fibers into the air. This is dangerous because those fibers can be breathed in and cause health problems. Asbestos-containing seals may wear down, flake or peel away.

Black construction adhesives in buildings constructed before the 1990s should always be tested for asbestos. Sanding, scraping or grinding these adhesives can release toxic asbestos dust into the air, endangering everyone in the building.

Some asbestos adhesives can be removed using chemical solvents, but these chemicals are not compatible with all types of adhesives and they can damage or stain the subfloor. Check with the manufacturer about using chemical solvents.

The use of asbestos adhesives in the U.S. spans almost a century, with one of the earliest examples dating back to 1887, when the precursor of the Johns Manville Corporation began manufacturing fibrous adhesive cement that contained 20% asbestos. In 1906, the Philip Carey Manufacturing Company began selling an asbestos-based fibrous adhesive for more general construction use.

Many asbestos adhesives were produced by first dumping raw asbestos into a fluffing machine to separate the mineral fibers before they were combined with resins or solvents in a batch-mixing tank. This industrial process exposed adhesive factory workers to clouds of inhalable asbestos dust. Spray-applied asbestos adhesives further endangered the health of the construction workers who applied them.

During World War II, the need for asbestos adhesives increased significantly. This was especially true in Navy ships that were being built at the time, as fireproofing was a priority. After the war ended, both civilian and military use of asbestos adhesives continued to grow during the Cold War era.

In the 1950s, the National Gypsum Company created a new line of construction products called Gold Bond. They went on to become standard materials used throughout the construction industry.

By the mid-1980s, almost 10 million gallons of asbestos adhesives were being produced annually. Unfortunately, this led to numerous lawsuits due to health problems caused by exposure to asbestos. As a result, most companies stopped adding it to their products.

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